The following has been improved on the Add Organization Onboarding Workflow


  1. change sidebar headline color has been changed to match the add organization step titles

Step line:

  1. step headline has been centered as on step 4
  2. active background color has been changed to match the side bar

step 1:

  1. type of organisation is now saved
  2. when save changes & stay on this page is clicked, information is saved and retained on the page, and user can proceed to the next step
  3. “register new user” and “add new user” buttons has been removed

step 2:

  1. when save changes & stay on this page is clicked, information is saved and retained on the page, and user can proceed to the next step
  2. Step title has been changed to “Add Project”
  3. Description added below “Add Project” explaining what the project is needed for
  4. removed “Delete Project” button
  5. removed “User Roles”

step 3:

  1. headline is displayed as “ADD NEW USER IN {ORG}”
  2. added explainer text below the headline what users are good for
  3. added explainer text below “Organisation Role”, Project Roles, Channel Roles
  4. added small help icons next to each role

Step 4:

  1. Changed Buttons to: Assign Task, Create Blueprint, Start a Public Blueprint
  2. Added explainer text above the three options

Video showing the new feature: