Task Detail Page: Show “Copy Text” & “Feedback to Field” Buttons in Description
When shortcodes are displayed on a task show these action [...]
When shortcodes are displayed on a task show these action [...]
When user adds a new organisation, thin steps to lead [...]
If a blueprint is not valid, show text why it [...]
Link "Add Task" button to starting blueprint 356 Remove dropdown feature. [...]
Linked "Edit Task" to "Edit Blueprint Element". Removed xeditable for [...]
Please improve the following things on "Infos" Tab: as on [...]
In order for us to be able to set which [...]
On "Infos" Tab next to "Users" tab. Show datatable to [...]
https://www.screencast.com/t/jH2QGcZUp Help text: "Use "Add Field" to ask the assignee [...]
For some workflows it makes sense to change how the [...]